The Social Impressionist: 2019


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Thursday, 24 October 2019

Why The Filipino Is Not Worth Dying For

When we think of Filipinos and the Philippines as a whole, the rest of the world think of cheap, affordable workers that have a lot of great potential, easily motivated by the opportunity to earn money, and can easily be replaced by another Filipino who is willing to step into the job. Yes, Filipinos admittedly do make good slaves for the world market, if not the best quality slave worker that any foreign employer can come across by. A Filipino’s core value is strongly anchored on the notion of earning money, which in return gives them this alleviated notion of self-esteem, self-worth and value in society.

Well, most two-digit I.Q. Filipinos strongly believe in this, making them apparent victims of online employment outsourcing which they are paid below standard rates compared to other countries. But the story of outsourced Filipinos goes far back in the early 1980’s in which multitudes of skilled Filipino workers started to find jobs in other countries such as Europe, Japan, the Middle East as skilled labourers. The ever growing increase of Filipino migrant workers have grown since then and it still keeps on growing year after year,  which is a clear sign that the Philippine government can not provide adequate and decent jobs for it’s citizens.

Even the promise of a decent college education to provide a secure future doesn’t seem to be as realistic as it promises to be. The Price of a college education in the Philippines is so high that there are fewer and fewer people that can actually afford to finish their educational pursuit, in which a majority of students are forced to drop out because of lack of money to continue their education. And for what, a 6 month contractual job at some shitty fast food chain?

A teaching diploma that entitles you to become a domestic house-hold servant in Hong-Kong or in the Middle East? As said before, Filipinos do make the finest slaves in the world, being easy to pacify with just simple words of praise and motivation by money. As far as the Filipino government is concerned, one of the most bankable aspects of Philippine economy is the industry of Filipino foreign labour, which in today's rate constitutes to around 25% of the country’s GNP.

It’s no secret that the Philippines is a country that has fallen off it’s prime as a major manufacturing country in the south east Asian region since the early 1980’s as most manufacturing of goods are now all located in mainland China. Nowadays, the Philippines is just a conduit of the South East Asian economy as most goods and services just pass by through it, which does not do anything to make the economy grow, but instead it only exploits the cheap labour condition in the country. Most of the Philippines's economic growth are all coming from imports and are mostly owned by foreign conglomerates that decides on the fate of the country’s economy.

The Philippine government is a dick-less, castrated slave that follows the dictated terms of the world market and the World Bank for that matter, and it doesn’t help that the government keeps on forcing these false illusions that the country is on the rise economically, when in truth it is already underneath the festering mulch in the bottom of the garbage bin. In the early 1950’s one American dollar was worth around 2 Philippine pesos, but now it is worth less than a pack of toilet paper that you can buy at Walmart’s to wipe your ass.

This country is already in hell and most inbred born Filipinos don’t even realize it since their too preoccupied with their stupid noon time game shows, their lame basketball sports program and their delusional perspective that there is still hope to life in this trash heap of a country. Most Filipino parents tell their children to study hard so that they will easily be able to find a stable job that they can rely on with the rest of their life, but that perception is far from the real truth of what is really happening to this country.

Nowadays, the easiest way to secure a good future is either to seek employment in other countries in which their foreign exchange rate is far greater than the Philippine currency, or dress up pretty well, pose a selfie in Facebook and wait for a foreigner to take notice and become interested in them, either way, they all end up pimping and bitching themselves. So now when when say “Filipino”, we see a race of people that is as apathetic as everyone else, only wearing a mask of interest and concern where it matters, when it matters.

It is quite a pity that the Filipinos have not evolved past their primal stage of evolution as they could have become as successful as Japan is now, if not surpass it far beyond what it has developed today. There was a time in this country’s past that a lot of South East Asian countries would send their students here to learn what was then the most advanced college for agricultural research in the whole south east Asian region. Today, the Philippines imports rice from the same south east Asian countries that it once taught to propagate it,  leaving us a thought that plays in our heads like a bad convulsive fever driven dream in our heads, what the fuck happened to the Philippine government?

For an agricultural country that was hailed as one of the most recognized food producing country in the Asian region, this country imports onions, rice, garlic and just about any agricultural product that it has difficulty in sustaining for it’s domestic consumption. So, to all our foreign friends, if you have second thoughts on coming to the Philippines to experience life and all it’s pleasures, please remember that everything you heard is just a bloated public relation scam designed to lure in foreign investments to help it’s floundering shitty economy. Trust me when I say that you are far better off where you are now.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Ganung Padang: The Machu-Pichu of Indonesia

If you are planning to go to Indonesia for a vacation, be sure to visit Mount Padang or Gunung Padang which is situated in Desa Karyamukti, in Canjur, West Java about 120 kilometres from central Jakarta. Beside the rustic country side scenery, Gunung Padang is also renowned for it’s ancient monolithic remains which according to archaeologists, even pre-dates the pyramids of ancient Egypt as far back as 20,000 B.C. The ancient monolithic site was first discovered by the Dutch historian N.J. Krom way back in 1914 and was since included in the UNESCO heritage sites.

Also called as the “Machu-Pichu” of Indonesia, Ganung Padang is nestled 885 metres above sea level and the entire site is is located on top of a hill and can be accessed by climbing 400 steps made of volcanic stones which can be commonly found around the area. The ancient site which is surrounded predominately by steep hills and mountain ranges gives visitors a breath taking view of the Mount Gede and was believed to be a sacred ceremonial location according to the Sundanese people. The scattered symmetrical stones were also believed to be the remnants of a palace that was built by King Siliwangi, which according to legend, tried to build it overnight.

On June, 2014, the Indonesian Education and Cultural Ministry declared that the Ganung Padang Megalithic site is now considered as a national heritage and historical site and has since been attracting numerous tourists and local visitors from in and around Indonesia. Going to Ganung Padang takes about 3 hours from Jakarta in which brings you to Kota Padang, a lovely coastal town which is surrounded by mountain ranges and a coastline.

The city of Padang itself is a melting pot of cultures when it comes to it’s buildings and quaint architecture since the country was colonized by the Dutch, British and the Japanese in the past. The 120 kilometre drive from Jakarta gives tourists and local visitors alike to experience the wonderful Indonesian country side and get to know the townsfolk along the way, their way of life and the richness of their culture in a more detailed perspective.

Upon reaching Raya Cianjur, tourists will be greeted by a man-made monolithic structure that marks the entrance to Gunung Padang. On entering the gates, visitors are asked to pay an entrance fee of around Rp. 2,000 (around $0.20) which is very affordable as the proceeds help in maintaining the facilities. From there, it takes another 20 kilometres or so to reach the foot of the mountain itself in which tourists are obliged to take a 400 step ascending climb to reach the summit of the site in which visitors are given a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains and hills.

For first time visitors, they are instantly taken back by the fact that the ancient site of Gunung Padang is much more older that the ancient pyramids of Egypt and that the stones that are scattered there are almost identical to one another, which remains a mystery up to today. So, if you are planning to fly to Indonesia, make it a point to visit Gunung Padang since visiting Indonesia isn’t complete without seeing this ancient site with your own eyes!

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Why Interstellar Colonization Will Fail

“The Dream and The Reality”

Elon Musk’s dream for the future of colonizing Mars is such a tremendous goal that focuses on moving the entire human race to the red planet, a plan that has been plotted by scientists and dreamers for the past 50 years or so. It is such a hopeful endeavour that plans to take the human race to it’s first giant step across the cosmos, building a new human colony and settlement that will give humans a chance to start a new life in other planets, but it is a dream that is undoubtedly doomed from the very start of it’s conception. Why? Well, isn’t it obvious that humans can not exist beyond the boundaries of planet Earth? The lack of the most fundamental elements that support any type of biological life can only be found here on our planet and nowhere else, especially not on Mars and beyond. 

Do you really believe that colonizing other planets will be that easy? Even if we had a far superior technology, we will still have a slim chance of actually being able to exist on a planet that does not want us for a lack of a better word, we impose our selves against the natural course of nature and the laws of thermodynamics, no sustainable environment that could support life. And even if we do manage to pull off some menial means of being able to sustain ourselves in such a hostile environment, we will all be relying on our own faulty technology to enable us to survive on a planet that does not allow life to propagate. In short, this dream of interstellar colonization is doomed from the start, and that is just one fraction of a part of a more elaborate reason of why planetary colonization will fail outright. 

Human ingenuity breaks down, not to say that we have no faith in man-made technology, but the truth is technology will falter from time to time and relying on a technology that has a big chance of breaking down is like jumping off an air plane without a parachute, it is in no  doubt suicidal! Elon Musk’s dream is so bold and imaginative that most people think that it is the right step forward in taking on the issue of human survival to a new level, grandiose and superficial. And if you think that mathematics and astrophysical calculations have covered every aspect of everything that might go wrong in this bold dream of colonizing Mars, you have another thing coming. Even if the technology used in this plan of colonization does manage to bring the first humans on the red planet, there are a lot more serious aspects of this dream that can pull the plug from this entire mission, even before the first SpaceX rocket can even make it’s way across the stars. Dreaming a fantasy and hoping that it will come true is one thing, but forcing yourself to believe that it will succeed is detrimental that it only pushes the boundaries of your inhibition from reality to the point of disillusion.

“Only Human”

There are a lot of aspects of human behaviour that we try to turn a blind eye on, a sort of self-denial of our real behaviour as a primate specie. Humans are very comfortable when they know that there is nothing that is a threat for them, either that be predatory animals or even other humans that they come across that may or may not dislodge them from their current state of comfort. Human beings are always on threat by their fellow human beings, and if this is not enough reason why interstellar colonization is doomed at the start, let us elaborate more on the flaws of innate human behaviour. 

People are comfortable knowing that they are secured and see no reason of becoming anxious for no apparent reason whatsoever. We are the kind of species that need to have a comforting thought to enable us to think rationally. If you would put people in a situation in where they know that there is a chance of them that they will die in undertaking a certain task, in this case flying off to a 15 million mile distance, on a planet in which even a flea won’t be able to survive and expect them to be in total control of their mental faculties, well you have another thing coming. 

People develop doubts inside their mind when they realize that they are being committed to a situation that they know that the odds are piling up against them, in this case the void of infinite space and the lack of breathable oxygen should be more than a good reason to stay in bed and watch SpaceX launch off without you. Okay, maybe we are just a little bit pessimistic about this whole “Mission to Mars” shenanigan, given the possibilities of them being able to cope with the immense amount of radiation that the entire crew will be encountering as they try to navigate their way out of the Van Allen radiation belt, provided that their brains aren’t fried and that they survive the effects of space dementia due to their inability to comprehend the infinite void that lays in front of them, added to the effects of zero gravity that will weaken their skeletal muscles that will result in muscular entropy.

And if that does not get them, I’m sure paranoia and psychological neurosis and psychosis will just tear them apart from each other, making them hate each other in mid flight, heck they may even try to blow up their ship  long before it even gets a chance to land on the Martian surface! So before we even start to assume that the entire dream of colonizing space will enable us to give the human race a new chance of continuing life in other planets, we can start by confronting our own evil, primal nature and stop bickering with one another here on Earth, even before we take our indifferences elsewhere, particularly on another planet, because we all know how bad we fouled up this one, beyond repair and to think that we are going to bring the same problems to other planets simply is mind boggling that I wish a gigantic meteorite collides with Earth now, so that other planets are left in peace.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

How Money Changed the Value of Human Lives

"There are times when all the World's asleep,
the questions run so deep, for such a simple man. Would you please, please tell me what we've learned, I know it sounds absurd, please tell me who I am"

Roger Hodgson - Super Tramp - Logical Song

“God is Money, Money is God”

Yes, it is true, “money” is the one and true God, it is just an inanimate object that has evolved into a psychic experience that has greatly changed human lives and it’s existence all throughout the world. It is all but part of an underlying hypocrisy that is masked by the term “hope and perseverance” which is used to capture the vivid imagination of people that actually believe that they still have hope in their lives and the only means of attaining “hope” is by attracting money and abundance into their lives. They believe this so much that money begins to engulf their core values to a point at which it becomes their sole purpose in life, as it provides security.

To most people, this can be very enticing that one has to believe that their is really such a thing as hope in life. We did not have so much as a problem living our lives before the evolution of the financial system that had made the lives of almost everybody in the world, a bloody nightmare! Today, money is a part of our lives as that of the air that we breath and it has become so important that it can corrupt even the most closest, tightly bonded interpersonal human relationships. The attitude of family members and friends can instantly change and even be severed when the topic of money steps in between any individual.

Friends become foes, families break up, all just because of money’s mysterious allure that it changes the way that you look at the world and the people around you. In reality, money is benign, it is people that change and the way they perceive what money is to their lives. People are generally greedy and evil and there is no amount of religious or philosophical belief that you can impart to for them to change their minds. For most people, money is more powerful than anything in this world. It is the sole driving force that crashes nations into squalor, rouses paranoia against other people and give individuals their sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

“Hope: The World’s Most Sellable Commodity”

Hope is a commodity, whether that be personal spiritual salvation in it’s various forms and principles or the chances of being able to win the lottery, hope itself is the hottest selling commodity in the market today and always has been. Trillion dollar corporations and religious businesses have bankrolled in optimizing their earning potential in basing their marketing strategy in selling hope to people all around the world. There is no doubt in debating the effectiveness of this approach, as you can clearly see how selling hope to people generates a ton of money in return for these corporations (including the religious sector).

You obviously have seen these self-improvement sites that offer digital products that cater to improving your present state of existence, as most of these sites claim to bring an improvement to the way you look at life for the better, but does it really work? Is it all just about suggestive reasoning why most people think that there is really hope for the world? Or is it just a simple marketing ploy to entice people to keep on relying on themselves to make a better change for their lives? Whatever it is, one thing is for certain that someone is earning from all of this on the other end. Self-improvement coaches has got to be one of the most successful rackets that any online entrepreneur has ever conceptualized, just like those “as seen on television” infomercials that give you the illusion that what you actually see on television would work for you.

It’s only too late to realize once you have ordered and received it that it is just really a piece of crap product. It is all because of hope and expectations that we tend to become very gullible that we believe that there is hope for our lives, but in truth, we are all just taken in for the ride of our lives, just like those thrilling amusement park thrill rides that we yearn to get on. After the up’s and down’s, the highs and lows, we are let off to walk away, as the thrill slowly fades away, making us think that it was just a ride and there is no sense of realism that it can help in improving our lives, that we find ourselves back in the mundane state that we started from, more depressed than before because we now realize that our whole life was just a sham. Really folks, life is one statistical nightmare, and everything is just sugar coated with hope to hide the real bitterness of reality.

“Grow Old and Die!”

If you are already in your 30’s and you still haven’t caught that elusive dream of becoming a self-sufficient and financially independent individual that you thought you could be, chances are that you will never see the light of day for that to happen! Not being a pessimist, but that is a statistical truth and because you wanted to become successful instead of being contented with the way your life is going right now, chances are that you are willing to gamble everything that you currently have, just to have a shot of being a successful individual that everyone would look up to. It is this willingness to put everything on the line that will drag you down and make your life a miserable hell in the end all because you wanted so much more in your life.

The truth is, most people really wanted to make a difference in their lives for the better that they fall into competition with other people who have the same ideas in their mind. There are people who dreamed of becoming self-sufficient financially and they had a slew of chances in the past to make that a reality. One think that they never realize that nothing in this world is permanent, not even the financial security that their money can provide for them. These are the people that had started to build up their lives from nothing, struggling day to day just to come close in making their dreams into a reality. They managed to grow their dreams into reality and have successfully proven that time and time again. But the truth is, they have no control over their destiny, even if they were financially secured, as it is those external influences that they have no control of that will make them fall on their knees in despair. At this point of their lives, all one that has to do is to grow old, whither and wait for Death to take them away from all of their despair in life.

"Enriching Life Experience?"

There is really no relevance in going from "Point A" to "Point B" with style and luxury because we all know where that road leads to in the end. Life is really boring, that is why tourism is the best aspect of living in this world, you get to go to places that you've never been, spend a ton of cash splurging in everything that catches your fancy. Of course you need an equal amount of money to satisfy your enriching life experience, but then again, when you finally get to come home from your dream vacation, reality steps in to knock you back to your senses. So, to put it straight out, your life's happiness is directly proportional to the amount of money that you can accumulate. You toil and submit your self to slavery, all for the sake of earning money, and if that is not enough, you have to convince yourself that you are happy with what you are doing, all for the sake of money.

Why People Fail In Life?

Most successful people in the world are what they are now because they learned to find their own uniqueness amidst the commonality from the rest of the world, setting them apart from everyone else. Success means seeing the things that other people failed to see and taking advantage of that knowledge, making it work for them, enabling them to reach their goals and aspirations in life.”

Why Are There Very Few Successful People in the World?”

Have you ever wondered why there are very few successful people in the world, limited only to a handful of individuals that comprise of just about 1% of the total population of this planet? That is because 1% of these individuals have a unique way of overcoming the obstacles in their lives, and though most of us would like to do the same, it is only these individuals that made a difference. How you may ask? Well, they managed to find a separate path towards their life goals, and the road that leads to their success is a secret path hidden from the rest of the world, and only a few people discover that road which is only travelled by a few.

While the rest of the world travels on a path set by what most people perceive as the only way towards achieving your success, that road is littered with stumbling blocks and obstacles which slow you down from attaining your dreams in life, to put it in a more detailed perspective, it is a road that you have to struggle traversing, along with other people that could either block you or throw you off your path! You might say to yourself that that these small number of successful people are not entirely unique in a way because there are a lot of successful people in the world today that account as a “small common minority”. Maybe so, but that does not discard the fact that their success is uncommon when they had to struggle with attaining it in the first place, in fact, they all started out the same like you and me.

So how did they become so different from the rest of us? The answer is “awareness”, they were awoken to the truth of their existence in relation to the world around them. They came to realize that most people who struggle with the hardships in life all followed the same rules that were set down in front of them, and were never taught to ask why they had to follow those rules given to them, nor were they ever been taught the true meaning of how to fully optimise their potential for their own benefit. As far as most people are concerned, the rules in life were put there to maintain order, but it is also those same rules and standards that what most people find as a hindrance, limiting what they can do to improve their current standing in life. Before you can even start to begin to copy what these successful people did to get to where they are, you should be aware that not everything that they did in order to achieve their success can be applicable to your own life, maybe just a few aspects, but not entirely as a whole.

Your Own Potential Awakening”

Most people think that by imitating the patterns of successful people, whether that be their ability to attract success into their lives, may that be financial, well being or even love, one has to keep in mind that you need to wake up to the reality of who you really are. You need to determine your “inner needs” and discover your real inner being so you can plan a better way of overcoming your most common stumbling blocks in life. Individuation is a process in which you can easily discover the hidden truth about yourself, your fears and doubts, so you can address these issues and settle down into accepting your true self, without judgement and guilt.

Once you open up to the reality of who you really are, you can then start working around solutions to improve your life in an introspective point of view. You also have to be aware that when you have decided to take on the path towards your own individuation awakening, there are some things that you will discover about yourself, particularly those deeply seated fears and regrets that you subconsciously have hidden away inside yourself. These are the primary reason why your life has slowed you down despite of all of your struggles to do your best in improving your it.

It is time that you take control of your own destiny and come out of your reclusive inner shell. Most people are inclined to believe that a person is destined to stay in the place where they were born until the time that they leave this world. This is the same negative mentality that leads people into stagnation, leaving their entire destiny to the mercy of fate, which is simply just a lame excuse of not being able to go beyond the point of tapping into their full potential. And where does road lead to? Would you just let yourself be driven into a path that has been carved out by others who had been on that same road that leads to a mediocre, unfulfilled life without knowing that there is an alternative route which leads to abundance and plenty?

Most people spend their lives, sleeping off the opportunity of being able gain more from what life can actually offer them because they were not fortunate enough to have discovered that life has a lot of hidden secrets that are hiding in plain sight. Why do most people don’t see their potential while others have managed to crawl out of their former lives and took on the world with a renewed belief that they can achieve anything that they put their mind into. If successful people can do it, there is no doubt that you can do it as well as they can, but you have to trudge a different path in comparison to what they did because you need to find your unique and true self to be able to find the perfect path that has no boundaries and obstacles.

Finding The Hidden Path to Your Own Success”

Is there really such a path, and if so, why do most people fail to see it? And when people finally decide to change their lives for the better, they tend to turn to the success stories of other people, which can often lead to disappointments rather than success. Why you may ask? Because each individual’s success comes from discovering their hidden talents along with their unique way of understanding their life’s obstacles since each of us has their own individual weaknesses and strengths. Simply put, one person’s weakness may be another person’s strengths and copying another person’s success methods may look like a general idea of being able to solve your own predicaments in life, but may not be the most practical way for you to follow suit.

The reason is that each individual has different backgrounds in life, added to this, we all have different core beliefs and influences in which we base our assumptions of life with. If you are not able to differentiate one thing from another beyond their similarity, you will eventually be lead into a dead end in life. Michaelangelo is not Pablo Picasso and not all painters have the same style of brush stroke, nor do they use the same type of colour combination.

What does this all have to do with being able to attract success and abundance into your life? You may see successful people the way they are right now, riding on their accomplishments in life, they too dreamed of becoming successful themselves when they started out as well and may had ideas of copying the methods of other people before them, but they did not, especially the self-made millionaires. Unless you were blessedly born into a very convenient and comfortable life, chances are that we all have to start at the very bottom of our existence in this life of ours, no one to throw us a line to pull ourselves above the current hardships that we are experiencing with our life.

And as far as society is concerned, you can either hang by a line, dangling while others pass you by on the way up or you can swing to a ledge and re-evaluate the choices that you are about to make in your life. As far as all of us are concerned, life offers a fair start for everyone and it is only in the first part of life that we struggle to find our true path towards success and abundance. What distracts us from being able to clearly see the road ahead are the distracting signs along the way, and when you let yourself get distracted, even just for a fraction of a second, you can easily drive off into a ditch on the side of the road. These metaphorical distractions are the different beliefs that were taught to us by other people, beliefs that we adapted into our lives, including the negative mindset that we grew accustomed to which became the anchors that hold us in our current situation.

If The Shoe Fits: One Man’s Success is Another Man’s Burden”

Why is it that even though that we try to do the best that we possibly can in our life to improve the way we live, we always find ourselves spiralling back down the way where we started? Haven't you noticed the way people often times thinking that they were invulnerable to what is happening to the world around them? That they thought nothing can pull them down from their seemingly secured state in life that they are suddenly caught by surprise, falling off their balance and landing head first into a much more squalid situation than before?

Because they became too complacent with what they have achieved and earned with regard to success and abundance, thinking that those two things will never ever be taken away from them. They were wrong to think that way because most people think of the same way, similar to those stories that you heard of people winning the lottery and losing it all in just one short moment. Haven’t you noticed that when things are handed down to you, you tend to give lesser value to it because you do not know how much that thing meant to the other person that gave you that.

You eventually think less of it and eventually shoving it to a corner, even disregarding it because you did not exert any effort in acquiring it, because you just received it. This goes the same with success and abundance, whether that be financial, personal or even your desire for self-improvement and well being, earning those things should be through your own initiative because you will understand the difficulties of undergoing some personal changes which need some sacrifice on your part to be able to attain it. This is where most people find difficulty in understanding, the very first important step in being able to improve your understanding on what is happening around you is not by looking at other people’s success as a basis for your own success, but by looking deep inside of yourself.

That’s right, it is not about what you see, but what you overlooked, it has always been in front of you, staring back at you in the mirror, it is you. Do you really want to know why people fail with their life goals, particularly their goals in attaining success and abundance? It is because they are often times being unwittingly mislead to believe that what other people do is the only way to get to where they want to go in life.

Well sure it works, in principle that is, but do you think that one man’s shoes will fit another? If the other person has walked in that same shoe and has brought them to where they are, they have surely felt some sort of discomfort all throughout their journey. Now imagine you being handed down that same shoe for you to walk on towards achieving your goals in life, unless you have the same shoe size as the other person, which in most cases you won’t. You will probably be feeling a greater amount of discomfort, more than the other person that originally used that same shoe towards their journey to their own success.

Life in Itself is Benign: We Are All Given a Fair Chance To Begin With”

Life does not “punish” people to begin with, it is people that bring about their hardships and suffering to themselves. Stop blaming your current circumstance and climb out of that pathetic hole that your trapped in. There is no such thing as “bad luck” or “good luck” to begin with, only people that make good or bad decisions that eventually lead them into a state of which they either love and cherish their life or blame themselves for their foreboding burdens!

There are people born into privilege and people that wish to be in that same situation, but eventually had been thrown down into a pit of hurt and agony, who can only see the world through a monochrome spectrum of disappointment on how their life turned out to be. Most people blame their nurturing, their circumstances and how they weren’t fortunate enough to be so lucky as others. Maybe not fortunate enough to grow up in a financially secured family or even been allowed to experience the love and nurturing of an emotionally functioning family.

For most of us, we often get the impression that life is not fair, that it has no balance, that it leans towards and fall favour to the privileged few and since we were given the idea that this is a fact, it causes us to loose hope in it’s entirety. We silently retire ourselves to the thought that we will never be able to achieve what most successful people have because the world closes down all possibilities of being able to live out our dreams and aspirations. This result in people living out their remaining days as the same as how they started.

True that all of us have big dreams of making it into the world, either we become successful and earn the respect of others through that or we stay behind the shadow of our doubts, secluding us from trying out our hand at becoming successful even in the most smallest possible way. Life is more than fair, it is actually neutral and does not care who or what we are. It doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor and has given us the same opportunities as it had with other people even way before we came about into our own time. It gives everything a fair chance of living our lives to the most of what we can make of it.

The real problem lies in people, we, us and you, because we fail to see the opportunities that come to us for the sole reason that we fail to recognize them. All of experiences that you had gone through in life has lead you to develop a blockage in your inner mind, the kind of blockage that clouts your rational thinking, making you make bad and distasteful decisions in your life that you eventually regret and suffer in the end. Yes, that’s right, you have been closed off from your true divine purpose in life which is to fulfil your dreams and goals in life, to live to the utmost of your heart’s content and to take hold of your own destiny.

Great and Wonderful Things from the People that You Least Expected!”

Believe it or not, some of the world’s most life changing ideas were conceptualized by the people that came from small and humbling beginnings. Does this remind you of anyone you know in particular? These are the common people, the one’s that have their own dreams in life that are working very hard just to get their feet out of the door and into the world, taking on the adversities that they might find along the way. A lot of people have their own stories of hardships to tell, some even have bad experiences that they found difficult to overcome, but they eventually do in the end that it transformed their life into something different.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019




Really? Paying a monthly fee of P1,299 pesos seems not that too expensive for being able to have an access to the internet, but it is the price you pay for punishing your self when you subscribe to the services of Globe and Smart! But for fucking Christ's sake, P1,299 pesos is not easy to come by these days, especially when you have to work using the internet as a source of income by writing!

How can you write and publish your pieces when your internet connection is as worse as the country that you live in, incompetent and stupid?! And all you can expect from these idiotic companies is their redundant questions about the nature of your complaint, account details and things that they already know, in short, they have sub-par customer services and tend to put you in a round-about with regard to your problems, just fucking great!

Filipino companies are just fucking stupid and unreliable, no wonder this country is hanging by a thread, it has shitty utility services fit for the mental aptitude of it's citizen, dumb ass zombies! I pray to the powers that be that China over runs this country, or any country for that matter that has a more competent rule of government. 

In reality, you tend to loose more money than making it because of the lack of a reliable internet connection in this god forsaken shit hole that is the Philippines, I mean come on, is it not bad enough to admit that most Filipinos are born retards and idiots, but what's even worse is that they smile off the fact that everything about this stupid country is based upon their idiocy!

Jack Ma was right, there is simply nothing good about the Philippines when it comes to internet service or anything to improve the brain dead state of it's economy. And to think that the internet can be of help to the already decomposing state of education in this country, what seems to be the only way to educate the Filipinos through online information is actually no help at all to improve the country's mind set of improving it's services, the most important services which is communication with the outside world.


The only hope that I personally see is to let other international telecom companies to enter the Philippine market and bitch slap these self-righteous companies like Globe and Smart to show them how "real" human beings operate and run a real telecom company. I personally believe that these foreign telecom companies can render far better services when it comes to providing a "decent" internet service to the Philippines. 

But why has this not been pushed as an alternative? Well, sad to say that some government officials have a tied up interest with these idiotic local telecommunication providers, in short, they have financial interests that protect the telecom companies interest, preventing other outside players from penetrating the Philippine market. 

The curse of Manuel L. Quezon

Indios will always be stupid Indios. They have a firm grasp of the problems happening but they disregard the importance of solving it through common sense. And sometimes, one can not understand why evolution seemed to skipped out from the Philippines and propagated in other Asian countries, that as of now, is turning the entire South East Asian region into a developing economic success story, except for this stupid country, which is the Philippines. 

Are Filipinos really intelligent human beings, or are they primates that pretend to be human beings, trying to prove their self-worth and intelligence? Well it sure doesn't show when it comes to most aspects of life in this god forsaken country!

Finally, it is very convicting to say that this country will never, ever rise up out of it's stupid state because Filipinos choose to remain stupid as long as they are not the ones directly suffering from problems such as this.




Sunday, 31 March 2019

How To Avoid Online Scammers: The Dangers of Online Jobs

Online jobs are the most innovative means of finding employment through the internet and is considered as a good alternative compared to having to wake up early in the morning to catch the daily commune to and from the office. Because of the improved speed and capabilities of the internet to handle faster speeds of data, it has now become possible to work in the comfort of your own home. Regular office jobs such as VA (virtual assistance), writing, programming, software development, graphical designs, video editing and just about any office based jobs can now be done at a convenient time without you having to leave your home. Unfortunately, the state of online jobs have greatly changed after a decade and nowadays, are only filled with scheming middlemen and opportunists that victimize job seekers. has got to be the most "scammer infested" job portal website in the internet for almost the past 5 years or so. The site charges a fee to clients that are in search for Filipino online workers and most employers can hire a Filipino worker for below average rates, as in the lowest compared to other more "legitimate" job portal sites. Most scammers on this site oblige their "potential" employees to undergo a "probationary" period before deciding to actually hire them. This often times means insane workloads for low rates as low as $2 an hour. Some scamming employees often "force" you to submit a "trial sample" of your skills to see if you have what it takes to get the job done. They will often delegate you to work on a certain task and leave you without any opinionated review pertaining to the task that you had accomplished.

Though it may seem like a very convenient means of earning your keep on a daily basis, there is a darker side, one that has to do with people that pose as legitimate potential employers that want to take advantage of your dire need to earn a living. To make matters worse, there are online job portals such as that let jobseekers battle against each other for the cheapest services that they can offer to any potential employer that wants to hire an online worker. This reduces the talent and skill of the online jobseeker to a mere beggar like condition.

This can often lead to frustration since most of these unscrupulous individuals would rather dupe you into doing and finishing certain tasks without having to pay you for the effort that you had to go through just to dupe you. As online workers, how can you avoid this? How can you determine if an individual or potential employer is legitimate? The following are just some things that you have to watch out for when trying to find an online job to avoid the chances of you being scammed into doing a job that you won’t be getting paid for.

Applicant Complaints

Potential Employer’s Assurance of Trust:

Regardless of who you are or what part of the world you are living, your skills are very valuable and there are employers that see it as an asset to their business. Most honest online employers would be exerting the effort to win your trust as a potential online employee and will make sure that they are serious in obtaining you services by reaching out their hand in sincerity. Most serious employers will pay you to undergo a trial to find out if you got what it takes to fulfil their needs with regard to the skills that they are needing.

They would often submit you to a test and pay you regardless of the outcome of it and would immediately let you know if you have passed the test. Most of the time they will say that you have been shortlisted among many potential candidates and will contact you soon to let you know that you have been selected. As this may seem to be a costly undertaken risk on the part of the employer, it is a clear sign that they are indeed honest in their intention of hiring you altogether.

Redundant and Repetitive Job Advertisements:

One fail proof way to find out if a job posting is a scam is the way how the same job opening ad is still listed on the job board, which is mostly how job boards often display most job openings. This has a 90% possibility that a job opening is a scam and I suggest that you don't bother applying for it. Job ads running repetitiously for months at a time just means that a scamming employer is searching for it's next Filipino victim. Most honest job advertisements would have long been inactivated once they had accepted a well worthy job applicant and will not run their job opening ads for a long time. But given the fact that some job openings display the same tag lines on their advertisements, just goes to show that they are not only fishing for their next victim but are also repeatedly doing this because they have a paid premium monthly membership of $69 that they can easily earn back through scamming Filipino workers by getting them to do free jobs without paying them.

Trial and Probationary Period:

This is a classic ploy instigated by scammers to to lead you to do their bidding without any assurance that you will be getting paid in the end. Most online job hunters fall pray to this scheme, leaving them frustrated in the end when all of a sudden, their “employers” suddenly disappear and they are left without even getting paid. Most legitimate employers will check you on a daily basis to see if you are doing your job on a regular basis and would ask you of your progress from time to time. They will pay you on a regular basis depending on your arrangements when they have hired you and will continue to do so as long as you get the job done.

This should assure you that you have security of not being fooled into continually doing your job without getting paid. There are a lot of scammers out there that will oblige you to do a lot of things without ever giving you the assurance that you will indeed be getting paid and it is best to avoid these people once you see the tall tale signs of not being assured or if they force you to finish a certain task. Some clear signs of you possibly being scammed with regard to your work is it being submitted to a “editing team” before approval. In reality, a real employer can automatically determine if your work is  approved right then and there.


A scammer usually lacks the social graces of immediately responding to their potential “victim” employees by taking a long time to respond to the latter's job application, that alone tells that the scamming employer is fishing out a lot of victims. And even of they do, it would take a couple of intermittent days, usually containing mediocre questions about your skills and capacity. This alone should be a clear sign that they are just “playing” around with you and you should move on to your next job application.

A serious potential employer will show you examples of a web page and ask you more or less if you understand the contents of it with their need to apply your skills with what they need. Legitimate employers will have their own registered domain and will hire you to work on those sites as soon as they determine that you are competent with the skills that you have.

Sketchy Job Openings:

Scammers often open accounts on online job portals to find victims and would usually post funny sounding job details with laughable grammar structures that would immediately raise a red flag in your mind. Grammar is usually a clear sign though we don’t have to be too particular about it since there are many people around the world that do not have a firm grasp with the English language. Nevertheless, you should avoid these people that do not have a clear detail on the job description that they are offering to avoid you from being possibly scammed.

The Employer of an Employer:

Since you are not sure who you are applying to, you may eventually become an employee of an employee, in which most cases are web content developer companies that are based in the Philippines, India or other third world countries that are taking advantage of the need for quality online employees. Most of these “middlemen” companies will be giving you a lot of workload and will be paying you a very low rate that they are actually earning from you more than you earning from your effort.

Most legitimate companies rely on outsourcing their employees through these companies that they do not really care of their employees working condition as they let these outsourcing companies handle the manpower and recruitment. This can also be the case of some scheming and conniving individuals who will take credit for your work and claim it as their own.

Who Can You Trust?:

No one, simply put, there is a 50/50 chance of you going both ways that you could end up getting legitimately employed or you can end up getting scammed in the end. There is actually no such assurance that you will find a decent online job with regard to the skill set that you have and all you can do is gamble with your effort in searching for the right employee and keeping you fingers crossed that you might get hired by an honest employer. 

Do an In-Depth Research: 

Regardless of what people and companies say who or what they are, it is a good idea to research anything that is associated with their name on the internet to determine if they are who they say they are. This reduces the chances that they are a scammer and will let you be a bit relaxed knowing that their credentials match their identity.

What to Avoid: Conclusion

In conclusion, there are a lot of obvious signs that the person that you are talking to is indeed a scammer. The first thing that you have to see is the quality in which the way that the job opening description was written, the sketchy grammar and the lack of details that most job hunters want to find out so that they are not easily lead into a trap. The sincerity of the employer to put an effort of directly interviewing you if they find you “interesting” enough that they will contact you as soon as possible.

Avoid job openings that do not define the actual salary and submit you to such “trial” periods without assurances of being paid. Avoid by being lead on with the proverbial “pat on the back”, that does not fall short of being petted like a good dog. And finally, it is very important that you determine the legitimacy of your “potential” employer if they have a legitimate web page, that alone will be a sign of their sincerity and assures you that you will have a stable and paid job with them.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Carl Jung and the 12 Archetypes: Redefining Basic Human Behaviour

We share 96% of physical traits with apes, particularly the Chimpanzee and even some of it’s behaviour. Through years of evolutionary development, we as humans have become more refined and defined when it comes to understanding our behavioural patterns. Long gone are the old days of analytical psychology in which assessing a person’s basic neutral behaviour all falls to premature assumptive stereotyping. Thanks to Carl Jung however, we now have 12 common archetypes in which we can easily determine a person’s common behavioural inclinations and the 4 cardinal orientations that falls within those specific behavioural patterns.

Carl Gustav Jung’s redefinition of the basic traits of human behaviour was considered a paramount basis of analytical psychology that it attracted the attention of Sigmund Freud. Among the central concepts that belong to the core principle of analytic psychology is “individuation” which is considered as the most important aspect of “weeding” out the core characteristics of an individual’s “self” among it’s primal conscious and unconscious traits, but was not keenly definite about how it developed. Whether it was developmental or physiological was not clearly stated during those days and was considered by Jung as the centre of human behavioural development. Among the principles that Carl Jung had conceptualized was synchronicity, collective unconscious, psychological complex, extraversion and introversion and archetypal phenomena in which the later becoming the basis of analytical psychology as we know it today.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud became very close friends that Freud even considered him (Jung) on becoming his prodigy that will continue Freud's beliefs. It was not until the publication of Carl Jung’s book, the “Psychology of the Unconscious” in 1912 that started a rift  that led to the two brilliant men to part ways. Sigmund Freud eventually refused all the ideas that Carl Jung wrote in his book, and that rejection on Freud's part was a form of intellectual censorship. But in Jung’s honest opinion, the book was nothing but an attempt to widen the acceptance of newer psychological theories that could bring psychology medical practices it’s basic foundations. Carl Jung’s concept of basing basic human behavioural patterns within this 12 archetype characteristics are divided into 4 separate traits of human consciousness, namely Ego, Soul, Self and Social, the later being the most influential among the 4, which condescends the 12 archetype characteristics.

"A Dangerous Method" 2011 the story of Carl Jung
starring Michael Fastbender as Carl Jung, Vigo Mornensen as Sigmund Freud and Kiera Knightly

The 4 Cardinal Orientations and the 12 Archetypes

The Ego Types:
Ego types are basically archetype behaviours that are mostly based on one’s self-esteem. They long for self-worth and have existentialist traits. Ego types lean more towards the social on goings of human behaviour and that they will not function in a society that does not acknowledge their existence and mostly thrive on the adulation of others, thus the term “Ego”.

The Innocent:
An obvious character trait of people that fall into this archetype follow the “free to be you and me” attitude. People who have extremely obsessive “extrovert” tendencies typically fall into a sort of “hedonistic” life style. Self esteem and self-happiness are the primary motivators for people who tend to lead this sort of “happy” lifestyle. Despite having such behavioural traits, they believe that their sole purpose in life is the “pursuit of happiness” and their greatest fear is being punished for any wrong doings and because of this, they tend to try to do almost anything right as the can possibly perceive. Although they might be a bit naive and boring, people with these traits stand strongly in what they believe in and are very optimistic about what lies for the future ahead.

The Orphan (The Regular Man and woman):
Most people that have behavioural patterns such as these primarily believe that “all men and women are created equal”. Their primary core motivational yearning is basically “to belong” or to be a part of a certain group regardless of any common beliefs. They are the type of  people that fear solitude and would rather prefer to be with company, most of the time. These archetypes fear not belonging to something and are tremendously ecstatic when you invite them over. The “orphan” stereotype usually develops a specific virtue, one that it stands up to and usually has a down-to-earth attitude. The only thing that makes someone that has this behavioural pattern is a tendency to compromise one’s  specific belief in order to conform to others personal beliefs, just to blend into a relationship even though it will be a superficial one. People with such characteristics usually have very empathetic and realistic views in life and usually have a stiff daily routine that they follow.

The Hero:
This archetypical behaviour really says everything about people who clearly exhibit these traits. They are the type of people that usually exude a “bossy” flair, a sort of “you must follow me” attitude that can sometime be asserted as being in between a narcissist and a positive thinker. Most people that exhibit this archetypical behaviour often want to prove their worth by submitting themselves through courageous acts. They are usually self-taught leaders without even knowing what other people around them really want for themselves. As far as their greatest fears are concerned, most “Hero” archetypes fear “weakness” and at the same time, abhor other people who lack courage and personal beliefs. These archetypes fear showing their “soft” and empathetic side, giving them a sort of “insensitive” characteristics which is not a total neglect of that particular emotion, but one that they think should be kept out of sight, that no leader should be seen with any subtle signs of “weaknesses”. The “Hero” archetypes can also be seen as a bit arrogant to most people and is always up to take on new challenges just to prove his befitting and rightful place as a “leader” and are often competent and courageous when tackling a problem.

The Caregiver:
Among the four archetypes that fall into the “Ego” cardinal orientation, “The Caregiver” archetype is one of the most contrasting among the four traits because it is the only one that does not centre on one’s “self” but instead, primarily focuses on the care and need of others as it’s primary motivational factor. The “Caregiver” archetype is very empathetic to to the people around them regardless of who they are or what their personal beliefs that they represent. The caregiver is usually a tireless person that goes about making sure that everyone they know is alright and if there are any problems, they are usually the first ones to respond to a cry of help. The main motivational thrust factor that drives people with this certain archetype is so simple that it is sometimes viewed as being “surreal” because it is not a common trait nowadays, but it is quite rare if you would consider it. The “caregiver” archetype usually fears people that have the opposite beliefs and morals that they have, primarily people that display and manifest “selfishness” and “ingratitude”. They (caregivers) are usually compassionate and very generous when it comes to extending themselves beyond their personal capacity and are often victimized and exploited for their endeavours.

The Soul Types:
“Soul” types are typically individuals who have a yearning for freedom and pursue that yearning through channels of self-discovery. They usually have this “three-is-a-crowd” mentality and are easily put off by other people that do not have any similarities directly or remotely with their personal beliefs. They are the ones that are usually inflicted with the “wanderlust” attitude and tend to roam off into the wild blue yonder. Mostly introvertive, but never the less not exactly completely reclusive, these archetypes spend their time with their companions that share their outlook on life and prefer to keep their circle of friends as small as possible.

The Explorer:
These archetypes usually do not stay in the same place for an extended period of time and spend most of their life exploring the world around them. They find the freedom to roam an essential part of their life and avoid being “fenced off” or even being “fenced in” a relationship sort to speak. The core motivation and primary desire of people with this archetype is self-discovery of their inner self through travelling around the world, which could take a substantial amount of time before they even consider settling down on a long term period. Seeking the true meaning and purpose of life defines people with this archetype. Searching for life’s fulfilment usually takes them to places that they never been, capturing and living the essence of life of people around them. People who live with this belief are often the ones that establish themselves in foreign lands, mostly putting up their own form of livelihood to support themselves on a daily basis. These archetypes are usually very self-dependent as they can not see themselves conforming to rules and getting trapped in a cyclic redundancy. They are usually the ones that live their lives living the same philosophy that they teach.

The Rebel:
Do we need to say more? Surely you must have met someone with these specific traits, which are considered as one of the most common archetypes in human behaviour. To the “rebel” archetype, rules are indeed made to be broken, especially if those rules seem a bit absurd to understand and to accept, sounds like a description of how tax laws are implemented? The core motivation of the rebel is to bring change to the existing system of society, and it is not going to be brought about in a subtle way. The rebel archetype believes that within the context of a “revolutionary” change, they can and will slip in a very personal agenda of revenge against the existing establishment. The rebel archetype is based on a nihilistic tendency of destroying a system or a method that is not working for the common good and does have some socialistic tendencies that attract people with common beliefs. The greatest fear of people with this archetype behaviour is loosing power and authority over others. The tend to feel inadequate and ineffective once they realize that no one is listening to their ideas. One of the most forthcoming weakness of the rebel is falling off their primary principle, regardless of the drawback of affiliating themselves with the wrong side of power, as long as they have power themselves.

The Lover:
The “Lover” has this typical “obsessive” tendency to be faithful to the people that they deem essential to them “emotionally”. When it comes to intimate and personal relationships, these archetypes find the need to be very intimate along with experiencing those moments of intimacy with the ones they care about. They need to be with constant contact with the people they know and could sometimes be a bit of a nuisance that they sometimes though not in frequency, intrude during your unguarded moments. They are often times well accepted within the circle of people that they belong to and are sometimes given the wrong idea of showing other people the “wrong motive”, which could be mistaken most of the time for flirting. Vanity is one of the most common traits among people who live the “Lover” archetype since they always want to look their best regardless of the occasion so that they can please people with the way they look. The “lover” archetype is prone to loosing their own identity for the sake of pleasing other people and they are willing to do it as long as they are assured that they are loved back by people that they share their life with. Their greatest asset when it comes to their behaviour is their submissiveness, gratitude and outward appreciation to the people that they consider an asset to their life.

The Creator:
A visionary and a pioneer, a kind of person that envisions something and makes sure that it becomes a reality. Most people who have this typical archetype behaviour tend to become passive leaders and pioneers in their field of specialization. They will not acknowledge that they are leaders but rather consider themselves as guides. They often end up being respected by most  people that they know because of their in depth points of view where they can actually turn it into a functional reality. The creator archetypes greatest fear is mediocrity because they tend to be perfectionists often times. The creator archetype always wants to have autonomous control over the tasks that they are tackling and accepts little to no opinion whatsoever even from their superiors. Most of the time, they would like to tackle obstacles and problems by their own means and would be very happy if they achieved their goals by how they thought about it. People with these traits are highly creative and live their lives through their own perception. They have this mind set that is not compulsory against others, but they really do prefer that people would learn to adapt to their way of thinking with regard to developing their intelligence so that they could continue to have an intellectual relationship. To the creator archetype, intelligence is the new sexy!

The Self Archetypes:
People who live their perspective on a singular belief that they strongly stand by with, even to the end. They are the ones who usually find that being alone is a more acceptable state rather than having to cope up with irrational people that do not understand their point of view. The “Self” archetypes are usually the ones that live following an extreme existentialist point of view and they give meaning to their life and the need to live it to the fullest. These type of archetypes give new meaning to the word “you only live once” and they plan to spend all of their moments enjoying it. Frankly speaking,you can also consider these people to be the ones that are the most open minded among the 4 individuations of the 12 archetypes. They all share a common core motivation and that is “finding the truth” and understanding why life turns out the way it is.

The Jester:
This archetype needs to explore the world around them and enjoy every second of that endeavour while doing it. Their main motivation and driving need is to live a fun filled life as long as it satisfies them, regardless of other people’s opinion, which they easily couldn’t care less about. There is a certain happy-go-lucky mentality that seems to permeate naturally among individuals that have this archetype and they tend to go to some point of becoming really annoying when it comes to frequently pulling petty jokes on people that they know. The “jester” is often witty and has impeccable timing when executing their wit and are considerably intelligent people. They are often considered the life of the party and are often regarded with a charming and amicable personality that draws people to them because of their cheeriness. Their greatest fear is to be bored and be boring to others around them that they are frequently motivated to always show them selves being happy and jovial. The only draw back is that they frequently loose track of time and they couldn’t care less if they are wasting their time as well, as long that people around them are having a good time.

The Sage:
Wise and all knowing, the Sage is an archetype that is motivated to the pursuit of the absolute truth, whether that be good or bad as long as there is a reason for things to work out the way they do. The Sage always believes in one universal truth and a reason on why things end up in the universe the way they do, despite every means of human intervention, bad things still happen. It is a bit frustrating on the part of people with this archetype to keep on seeking out the truth of why things turn out the way they do, and they tirelessly analyse every foreseeable angle in tackling a problem. People with a high rate of intelligence usually manifest this behaviour and they embody a belief that intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge is the answer to all of our problems in the world. This archetype also uses the time long method of “trial-and-error” in confronting every obstacle that they encounter in life, although it is a painstaking process, they usually accomplish those tasks in the long run. The Sage’s greatest fear is being fooled or duped into a unforeseen situation. They also hate being misled to their failure and often blame themselves for not seeing those possibilities despite being as intelligent as they are. They also hate the ignorance of other people and would rather turn around and walk away instead of riding out the storm of an ignorant and incoherent conversation with people that have an absurdity to useless information. The only weakness of the Sage archetype is that they tend to be redundant in studying details and tend to become a bit repetitive when trying solve a problem that they become stagnant in that situation.

The Magician:
When we talk of “magic” the first thing that comes into our minds is the term “illusion” and sometimes it could be a bit misleading to understand it. The “magician” archetype is someone who tries to “make things happen” to the utmost of their capabilities and are often motivated by the governing laws of rationality and fundamental reasons. These individuals have a keen talent of “getting things done” one way or the other and find satisfaction in pulling off seemingly impossible tasks. They pride themselves in making your wildest dreams come true and they will pull no stops just to make sure that everything happens in your favour. They find contentment in making other people happy through their own skill and thanking them for that effort is a reward all on itself. They seem to try to do everything that is possible to make sure that you get what you need but there are some draw backs to this. Despite their good intentions, they usually leave behind a trail of unwanted collateral damages from pursuing those goals of making everybody happy with the end results.

The Ruler:
Fascist, narcissist and a few more denotations that can fit the description of this last archetype that is considered as the most dominating human behaviour among the 12 archetypes that were mentioned. “Power is not everything, It is the only thing!” as most people with this attitude consider their core motivation in controlling other people around them. These are the control freaks, overbearing, foreboding and domineering to say the least. They draw attention to themselves by letting people around them know that they wield authority over them. But before we misjudge people with this kind of attitude, it is best to know the reason why they are like this in the first place. The “ruler” archetype has every good intention in wanting to take control of everything and everyone around them for the sole purpose of keeping everything in proper order for the common benefit of all. Of course, there is a fine line between “controlling” and “common good” that sometimes their intentions are misunderstood, or are they? But since most of us in society need such leadership qualities that we tend to delegate our rights into the hands of these individuals for the sake of a common good.