The Social Impressionist: October 2019


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Thursday, 24 October 2019

Why The Filipino Is Not Worth Dying For

When we think of Filipinos and the Philippines as a whole, the rest of the world think of cheap, affordable workers that have a lot of great potential, easily motivated by the opportunity to earn money, and can easily be replaced by another Filipino who is willing to step into the job. Yes, Filipinos admittedly do make good slaves for the world market, if not the best quality slave worker that any foreign employer can come across by. A Filipino’s core value is strongly anchored on the notion of earning money, which in return gives them this alleviated notion of self-esteem, self-worth and value in society.

Well, most two-digit I.Q. Filipinos strongly believe in this, making them apparent victims of online employment outsourcing which they are paid below standard rates compared to other countries. But the story of outsourced Filipinos goes far back in the early 1980’s in which multitudes of skilled Filipino workers started to find jobs in other countries such as Europe, Japan, the Middle East as skilled labourers. The ever growing increase of Filipino migrant workers have grown since then and it still keeps on growing year after year,  which is a clear sign that the Philippine government can not provide adequate and decent jobs for it’s citizens.

Even the promise of a decent college education to provide a secure future doesn’t seem to be as realistic as it promises to be. The Price of a college education in the Philippines is so high that there are fewer and fewer people that can actually afford to finish their educational pursuit, in which a majority of students are forced to drop out because of lack of money to continue their education. And for what, a 6 month contractual job at some shitty fast food chain?

A teaching diploma that entitles you to become a domestic house-hold servant in Hong-Kong or in the Middle East? As said before, Filipinos do make the finest slaves in the world, being easy to pacify with just simple words of praise and motivation by money. As far as the Filipino government is concerned, one of the most bankable aspects of Philippine economy is the industry of Filipino foreign labour, which in today's rate constitutes to around 25% of the country’s GNP.

It’s no secret that the Philippines is a country that has fallen off it’s prime as a major manufacturing country in the south east Asian region since the early 1980’s as most manufacturing of goods are now all located in mainland China. Nowadays, the Philippines is just a conduit of the South East Asian economy as most goods and services just pass by through it, which does not do anything to make the economy grow, but instead it only exploits the cheap labour condition in the country. Most of the Philippines's economic growth are all coming from imports and are mostly owned by foreign conglomerates that decides on the fate of the country’s economy.

The Philippine government is a dick-less, castrated slave that follows the dictated terms of the world market and the World Bank for that matter, and it doesn’t help that the government keeps on forcing these false illusions that the country is on the rise economically, when in truth it is already underneath the festering mulch in the bottom of the garbage bin. In the early 1950’s one American dollar was worth around 2 Philippine pesos, but now it is worth less than a pack of toilet paper that you can buy at Walmart’s to wipe your ass.

This country is already in hell and most inbred born Filipinos don’t even realize it since their too preoccupied with their stupid noon time game shows, their lame basketball sports program and their delusional perspective that there is still hope to life in this trash heap of a country. Most Filipino parents tell their children to study hard so that they will easily be able to find a stable job that they can rely on with the rest of their life, but that perception is far from the real truth of what is really happening to this country.

Nowadays, the easiest way to secure a good future is either to seek employment in other countries in which their foreign exchange rate is far greater than the Philippine currency, or dress up pretty well, pose a selfie in Facebook and wait for a foreigner to take notice and become interested in them, either way, they all end up pimping and bitching themselves. So now when when say “Filipino”, we see a race of people that is as apathetic as everyone else, only wearing a mask of interest and concern where it matters, when it matters.

It is quite a pity that the Filipinos have not evolved past their primal stage of evolution as they could have become as successful as Japan is now, if not surpass it far beyond what it has developed today. There was a time in this country’s past that a lot of South East Asian countries would send their students here to learn what was then the most advanced college for agricultural research in the whole south east Asian region. Today, the Philippines imports rice from the same south east Asian countries that it once taught to propagate it,  leaving us a thought that plays in our heads like a bad convulsive fever driven dream in our heads, what the fuck happened to the Philippine government?

For an agricultural country that was hailed as one of the most recognized food producing country in the Asian region, this country imports onions, rice, garlic and just about any agricultural product that it has difficulty in sustaining for it’s domestic consumption. So, to all our foreign friends, if you have second thoughts on coming to the Philippines to experience life and all it’s pleasures, please remember that everything you heard is just a bloated public relation scam designed to lure in foreign investments to help it’s floundering shitty economy. Trust me when I say that you are far better off where you are now.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Ganung Padang: The Machu-Pichu of Indonesia

If you are planning to go to Indonesia for a vacation, be sure to visit Mount Padang or Gunung Padang which is situated in Desa Karyamukti, in Canjur, West Java about 120 kilometres from central Jakarta. Beside the rustic country side scenery, Gunung Padang is also renowned for it’s ancient monolithic remains which according to archaeologists, even pre-dates the pyramids of ancient Egypt as far back as 20,000 B.C. The ancient monolithic site was first discovered by the Dutch historian N.J. Krom way back in 1914 and was since included in the UNESCO heritage sites.

Also called as the “Machu-Pichu” of Indonesia, Ganung Padang is nestled 885 metres above sea level and the entire site is is located on top of a hill and can be accessed by climbing 400 steps made of volcanic stones which can be commonly found around the area. The ancient site which is surrounded predominately by steep hills and mountain ranges gives visitors a breath taking view of the Mount Gede and was believed to be a sacred ceremonial location according to the Sundanese people. The scattered symmetrical stones were also believed to be the remnants of a palace that was built by King Siliwangi, which according to legend, tried to build it overnight.

On June, 2014, the Indonesian Education and Cultural Ministry declared that the Ganung Padang Megalithic site is now considered as a national heritage and historical site and has since been attracting numerous tourists and local visitors from in and around Indonesia. Going to Ganung Padang takes about 3 hours from Jakarta in which brings you to Kota Padang, a lovely coastal town which is surrounded by mountain ranges and a coastline.

The city of Padang itself is a melting pot of cultures when it comes to it’s buildings and quaint architecture since the country was colonized by the Dutch, British and the Japanese in the past. The 120 kilometre drive from Jakarta gives tourists and local visitors alike to experience the wonderful Indonesian country side and get to know the townsfolk along the way, their way of life and the richness of their culture in a more detailed perspective.

Upon reaching Raya Cianjur, tourists will be greeted by a man-made monolithic structure that marks the entrance to Gunung Padang. On entering the gates, visitors are asked to pay an entrance fee of around Rp. 2,000 (around $0.20) which is very affordable as the proceeds help in maintaining the facilities. From there, it takes another 20 kilometres or so to reach the foot of the mountain itself in which tourists are obliged to take a 400 step ascending climb to reach the summit of the site in which visitors are given a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains and hills.

For first time visitors, they are instantly taken back by the fact that the ancient site of Gunung Padang is much more older that the ancient pyramids of Egypt and that the stones that are scattered there are almost identical to one another, which remains a mystery up to today. So, if you are planning to fly to Indonesia, make it a point to visit Gunung Padang since visiting Indonesia isn’t complete without seeing this ancient site with your own eyes!

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Why Interstellar Colonization Will Fail

“The Dream and The Reality”

Elon Musk’s dream for the future of colonizing Mars is such a tremendous goal that focuses on moving the entire human race to the red planet, a plan that has been plotted by scientists and dreamers for the past 50 years or so. It is such a hopeful endeavour that plans to take the human race to it’s first giant step across the cosmos, building a new human colony and settlement that will give humans a chance to start a new life in other planets, but it is a dream that is undoubtedly doomed from the very start of it’s conception. Why? Well, isn’t it obvious that humans can not exist beyond the boundaries of planet Earth? The lack of the most fundamental elements that support any type of biological life can only be found here on our planet and nowhere else, especially not on Mars and beyond. 

Do you really believe that colonizing other planets will be that easy? Even if we had a far superior technology, we will still have a slim chance of actually being able to exist on a planet that does not want us for a lack of a better word, we impose our selves against the natural course of nature and the laws of thermodynamics, no sustainable environment that could support life. And even if we do manage to pull off some menial means of being able to sustain ourselves in such a hostile environment, we will all be relying on our own faulty technology to enable us to survive on a planet that does not allow life to propagate. In short, this dream of interstellar colonization is doomed from the start, and that is just one fraction of a part of a more elaborate reason of why planetary colonization will fail outright. 

Human ingenuity breaks down, not to say that we have no faith in man-made technology, but the truth is technology will falter from time to time and relying on a technology that has a big chance of breaking down is like jumping off an air plane without a parachute, it is in no  doubt suicidal! Elon Musk’s dream is so bold and imaginative that most people think that it is the right step forward in taking on the issue of human survival to a new level, grandiose and superficial. And if you think that mathematics and astrophysical calculations have covered every aspect of everything that might go wrong in this bold dream of colonizing Mars, you have another thing coming. Even if the technology used in this plan of colonization does manage to bring the first humans on the red planet, there are a lot more serious aspects of this dream that can pull the plug from this entire mission, even before the first SpaceX rocket can even make it’s way across the stars. Dreaming a fantasy and hoping that it will come true is one thing, but forcing yourself to believe that it will succeed is detrimental that it only pushes the boundaries of your inhibition from reality to the point of disillusion.

“Only Human”

There are a lot of aspects of human behaviour that we try to turn a blind eye on, a sort of self-denial of our real behaviour as a primate specie. Humans are very comfortable when they know that there is nothing that is a threat for them, either that be predatory animals or even other humans that they come across that may or may not dislodge them from their current state of comfort. Human beings are always on threat by their fellow human beings, and if this is not enough reason why interstellar colonization is doomed at the start, let us elaborate more on the flaws of innate human behaviour. 

People are comfortable knowing that they are secured and see no reason of becoming anxious for no apparent reason whatsoever. We are the kind of species that need to have a comforting thought to enable us to think rationally. If you would put people in a situation in where they know that there is a chance of them that they will die in undertaking a certain task, in this case flying off to a 15 million mile distance, on a planet in which even a flea won’t be able to survive and expect them to be in total control of their mental faculties, well you have another thing coming. 

People develop doubts inside their mind when they realize that they are being committed to a situation that they know that the odds are piling up against them, in this case the void of infinite space and the lack of breathable oxygen should be more than a good reason to stay in bed and watch SpaceX launch off without you. Okay, maybe we are just a little bit pessimistic about this whole “Mission to Mars” shenanigan, given the possibilities of them being able to cope with the immense amount of radiation that the entire crew will be encountering as they try to navigate their way out of the Van Allen radiation belt, provided that their brains aren’t fried and that they survive the effects of space dementia due to their inability to comprehend the infinite void that lays in front of them, added to the effects of zero gravity that will weaken their skeletal muscles that will result in muscular entropy.

And if that does not get them, I’m sure paranoia and psychological neurosis and psychosis will just tear them apart from each other, making them hate each other in mid flight, heck they may even try to blow up their ship  long before it even gets a chance to land on the Martian surface! So before we even start to assume that the entire dream of colonizing space will enable us to give the human race a new chance of continuing life in other planets, we can start by confronting our own evil, primal nature and stop bickering with one another here on Earth, even before we take our indifferences elsewhere, particularly on another planet, because we all know how bad we fouled up this one, beyond repair and to think that we are going to bring the same problems to other planets simply is mind boggling that I wish a gigantic meteorite collides with Earth now, so that other planets are left in peace.