The Social Impressionist: The Balance Between Social Development and the Environment


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Friday, 2 October 2015

The Balance Between Social Development and the Environment

The balance between nature and social development has always been a clash of ideologies pertaining mostly to our benefit as a human society. It often disfavors the environment as it is usually compromised most of the time for the sake of our well being and survival as a specie. Social development often finds it necessary to sacrifice a little bit out of nature to ensure the prolonged survival of our society, but it seems that we had been taking too many “little things” for a very long time now. It seems that we had been nibbling away for such along time that we hardly noticed the impact of our actions, all for the sake of preserving the life that we had come to enjoy.

Industries that have developed our civilization for what it is now, may also be the reason of why we may soon find our society searching for the need to bring the balance of the environment back on track in order for it not to turn against us. Global environmental changes are now a part of the life that we live and by far, we still have not made any substantial changes in how we conduct our daily approach in regards to the use of our technology to benefit the environment. A s a society, we seem to have enjoyed too much of our time regaling and adulating our selves for the marvels that we had created from the use of our knowledge in science and technology. 

(Ken Dart, visionary philanthropist who hates the American way of life)

We had become too overly complacent, that we seem to have forgotten to clean up the mess that we made in the last century of our development as a society. The huge amounts of industrial byproducts that we put out in just one day may soon be stacking up on our door step as we incoherently continue to do so in a daily basis. Are we too late to change all this for the benefit of future generations not to endure the consequences of our fool-hearty actions today? Or will we just let the next generation figure it out by themselves, hoping that it would not be too late by then?

Fortunately, there are some individuals and organizations that realize the urgent need to change the way we conduct the way we live in regards to our relationship with nature. That there is an eminent threat to our existence as a specie if we do not find a solution to our growing problems in regards to damaging the environment that has sustained our lives since the time of our existence. Such individuals like Ken Dart who heads, stresses the need of industrial and infrastructure developers to strictly and fully comply with the global requirements of LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Standards), in all of their projects and developments as not to further any unnecessary damages that it may cause to the environment. 

Though this may not be the case for most world governments as there are only a few countries in the world that can viably conform to this. It is an undeniable fact that 75% of the total of the worlds population are from impoverished third world nations. It would take an impossibly long time for those nations to even meet half way within those prescribed standards, and by that time, the worsening global conditions might have passed over the threshold of being able to rebound from it's present environmental situation.

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