The Social Impressionist: “Content Marketing for Local Entrepreneur: Pitfalls and Traps”


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Sunday, 15 September 2013

“Content Marketing for Local Entrepreneur: Pitfalls and Traps”

It is true that Content Marketing can greatly improve a business get its much needed potential customers but there is a fine silver lining that we must consider to thread carefully about in order to avoid pitfalls on either side. Blog posts are essential the basis of daily content generating links to companies that use content marketing examples to sort out a clear path on search engines to land potential leads to their web-pages. It generates 70% of a totality of potential yet significant leads.
Content Marketing has become a band wagon and almost everyone involved in Internet marketing believes that good content is the only significant assurance of a stable feed of customers that will prep up rankings...not truly so!. Blog posts, e-books, Webinars all have one specific reason, to generate leads and potential customers. Content marketing strategy concurs a valid specific mind thought that content well structured and informative can, in a general way make things happen, but, every marketing method does has its fall backs and there has yet to be a perfect formulated logic in marketing that can over come adversities.

The First Pitfall of Content Marketing: Relying on the Content itself”

Is Content really King?”
Content is just plain informative literature as a totality regardless if it has been written by William Shakespeare himself or an unknown writer. You should not rely on Content on itself as Internet marketing process is a team effort. If you are truly yearning to drive leads into your site, it is strongly recommended to have a blog section so that potential customer leads can impart any personal criticism regarding your products and services that your company has to offer. Take it as a “objective criticism” in your company's behalf as it can sort out flaws that the company may not realize in order to improve its standings among the consumers.
Blog registration is a way of finding out customer buying habits and sort out a general number of deficiencies that may be an obstacle to your company's marketing growth. A call to action is the most common practice in site blogs as it will determine real people problems in which your company can try to find a solution to these problems. Making potential customers to register and indulge in blogs on your site can give you raw data on their buying habits and all other particulars.
Free give aways are also enticing perks to assure customers that they are more than welcome to return if they ever feel like it as to give them a complacent feeling of belonging in your company's site. Don't bombard your potential customers with too many options that will distract them from committing to what you want them to eagerly do in your site. It is best practice to keep it as simple as possible. A strong Call to Action will not make up for weak article content.

The Second Pitfall of Content Marketing:Relying on Your Content to Generate the much Needed Lead”
A good marketing strategy must reflect a substantial Return of Investment (ROI) report due to the contents effort in drawing in leads. It is such a lame excuse at the start to make mediocre article contents just to get the ball rolling and indeed nothing is more insulting to a readers intellect as to be presented with “Fluff” and “hard sale” content writing. This will eventually be the driving force to your company's poor ranking.
In the olden days before there was even the Internet, this was popularly coined as “guerrilla marketing” as it had just one reason, to sell without thinking of the customers true needs. Content Marketing is not as simple as that, hands down! No glittery word play will ever convince people to truly buy your product without concept of real proof in regards to its true value. 
The quality of your content reflects you company and the product that it represents. It puts 27% the decision of a buyer if whether or not to buy from you and 40% of the final decision to actually buy from you. Content is directly proportional to your company's growth and a sacred rule is to keep in mind the needs of your target audience. Specified target markets are essential blue prints of your marketing goals and if you overlooked that aspect, you better re-think your actual goals because the clients always come first as they are the basis of your company's existence.

Good articles are very enticing as long as they are done in a creative and informative way but that does not mean that you can just leave it after setting it down in your site. Gradual updates on your articles are a means of telling your audience that your site is active and alive and that blog moderation's are proof that you are ready to respond to their beckoning call when they will need your input on certain topics which needed to be answered.


Most people believe in every prospective promise that a software or logistical assertive marketing plan has to offer to improve your visibility in Google search engine. These people don't know jack about marketing! Memberships and software will "NEVER" help your products achieve their potential reach to your specified target audience.

Most of these so called marketing booster software's or services actually hijack traffic on your website domain that you pay a premium for services and back link their own traffic on your own tab! As the obvious policy of the Penguin logarithm being implemented as of this moment to ensure the De-cluttering of the Internet from such obvious "filth's" that contribute to unnecessary traffic.

The need for good Content Marketing is the best natural and organic way to promote your products and services across the world wide web, and for obvious reasons, constant honesty and direct human interaction has always been the best method of seller to customer relationship that is the foundation of a decent marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, some marketers ignore content marketing and the people behind it, foremost, the hard working writer that does content article writing to ensure a reasonable and informative product detail on the company's behalf. This obvious disregard is now coming to terms with Google's Penguin Logarithm that has put a new code to limit unnecessary back links external or internally.

This crack down instigated by Google will level the playing field amongst marketers for the benefit of sellers that will have a choice of not being blocked by prominent products created from unorthodox marketing back linking techniques. 

Content Marketing is now the only organic form of propagating a marketing company's interest in promoting their products or services and logically stimulating the publics "common sense" in knowing the reasonable logic of choosing a product amongst the rest of a multitude of choices.

Info graphics are a "psychological" appeal approach to which stimulating a potential customer or buyer by using "color" advertising to "charm" them in to accepting what they "see" as logical. As for obvious reasons that the field of Internet advertising has now utilized "Info Graphics" for marketing purposes.

The Internet is an "ocean of fools" and marketers fish for fools on a daily basis. The psychology of Content Marketing cuts back on the unreasonable selling points that some products intentionally "unconsciously" implant on a consumers mind.

Content Marketing is a very reasonable method of imparting the truth to what your product has to say, without trying to fool the buying public. For the customers, it is very easy to tell if what you read is a lie or not, just use your common sense and do not base the merits of a product or service due to the fact that it's rated top of the rank on the Internet search engines.

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